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Your Car’s Regular Checkup – A Guide

by Celia

Your car works hard for you, taking you where you need to go in all kinds of weather, bringing you home in safety and comfort, it’s hard not to think of our cars as a trusty old friend we can rely on. The thing is, your car needs you as much as you need it, to monitor its health and well-being and provide it with the loving car it needs to keep moving for years to come!

The best way to make sure your car is fit as a fiddle is to bring it to your friendly Southport car mechanic for a regular check up! Their professional and courteous staff will do a lot more than just look under the hood, they will give your four-wheeled friend a top to bottom health check to keep your ride running in style! Here are some of the essential maintenance tasks they will perform for you!

Fluids – Your car gets thirsty, and not just for petrol! There are a variety of fluids like oils and coolants cars require to keep them operating smoothly. Your mechanic will check that you have proper levels of brake fluid, radiator coolant, transmission fluid, and engine oil, and top them off if they are low. The chances are they will perform an oil change for you as well, it’s important to have new, clean oil put in regularly. They will even make sure you have your wiper fluid filled up so you can clean off your windshield when the bugs and crud build up driving down the highway!

Air Filter – Your car needs fresh air to keep it running, but the air that flows into your engine is dirty, just look at your windshield after a long drive and you will see what we mean! To keep all that airborne debris from getting in and gumming things up, your engine has an air filter in place to stop it. The thing is, after a while the air filter gets clogged up and neds to be cleaned so it can continue to do its job. Your mechanic will do this for you, and replace an air filter that has gotten too old to clean so your car can breathe easy!

Tyres – Your tyres do the most work of any part of your car, they have to constantly roll across the hot, bumpy road to get you from here to there, and all that friction and abuse takes its toll. Your mechanic will carefully inspect each tyre to make sure its tread is wearing evenly, and that there are no punctures. They will also check the tyre pressure to make sure they are riding properly. Finally, they will check the spare tyre for you so you know it’s ready to go to work in an emergency!

Those are the regular car maintenance basics, there are some more things your mechanic will check for you, so don’t forget to check in with them regularly so your car can continue to get you where you need to go!

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